Mar 16, 2016 | Emotional Intelligence, Read First
Intelligent, dedicated physicians are frustrated with getting results to improve both patient care and financial outcomes. Nevertheless, physicians who feel better about themselves and their results are alike in one crucial way: They use their emotional intelligence....
Feb 17, 2016 | Emotional Intelligence
In a practice filled by daily activities with colleagues, staff, and patients, women physicians often feel isolated emotionally. “A 24/7 career gets in the way of making personal connections.” Women physicians succumb to a masquerade as strong and independent, even...
Oct 21, 2015 | Emotional Intelligence
Are people inherently resistant to change? If so, we would not go to school, change jobs, date, or have children. We not only don’t resist change, but also devote a lot of time and energy initiating change. Every waking hour, we are engaged in change – our...
May 19, 2015 | Emotional Intelligence
Change Is Happening Are you experiencing a change, or know you need to change, but feel conflicted? When my husband interviewed for an out-of state job, my immediate responses were confusion and fear. How will we stay emotionally connected? Am I willing to move? Are...
Mar 16, 2010 | Communication, Emotional Intelligence
Screaming at a co-worker? Throwing a cell phone? Some people are hot heads, and the people around them are walking on egg shells not knowing when the next blow up will be. What can you do? Professional anger-management trainers say that in most cases anger isn’t...