Rapidly Planning Effective Meetings

Rapidly Planning Effective Meetings

Physician leaders often say that one of the biggest differences between practicing medicine and leading a practice, department, or an organization is the way time is spent. Collaboration and teamwork require lots of effective meetings. A poorly planned meeting is...

How to Be Assertive … Without Alienating Your Colleagues

Asking for what you want—and setting boundaries around what you don’t want—is a key life skill.  Are you challenged to ask for what you want? Or so enthusiastic to practice this skill, that you over-do assertiveness and end up with colleagues who shut down, get angry...

Supporting the Community of Women Physicians

“It feels like a war zone out here. I am just trying to survive.” “I don’t know the woman physician I am referring to and would like to.” The stress and desire of women physicians, in private practice and as hospital employees in Lane County, is reflected in these...

Prescription for Dealing With Conflict

Dr. Mary was frustrated because she was not able to focus on her main tasks. When I asked what was diverting her attention, she complained that, as she was a good problem solver, her staff constantly came to her to resolve conflicts and fix problems. This caused a...