Want insider secrets to be more successful (and reduce burnout) in your healthcare career?
Women in healthcare are in a unique position to catapult their career while helping fix a broken system.
Take this 3 minute survey and get (free) personalized recommendations!
As a female healthcare leader, you’ve undoubtedly had ideas about what needs to change yet feel frustrated. Let’s change that!
My mission is to improve healthcare through empowering women, so I’m gifting you in-depth personalized recommendations from leading healthcare coach Deborah Munhoz MS, PCC.
(Just 3 minutes)

Let me help you…as I have hundreds of others.

Hi, I’m Deborah,
For the last 20 years, I’ve coached hundreds of top-level female healthcare professionals to overcome the seemingly insurmountable obstacles women face, such as retaining team members, inspiring innovation, improving quality of care, and saving time and money.
I see women leaders as the key to the future of the healthcare industry, and yet they often are the most underserved and unsupported group.
When women lead in healthcare, everyone wins.
I’ve developed this survey to help you maximize your leadership influence. As successful as you are, you will be surprised at the barriers that hold you back.
If you gain even one tip to help unlock your power, your time will have been well spent.
Get personalized recommendations from healthcare leadership coach Deborah Munhoz MS, PCC instantly.
What People Are Saying
What could be better?
About Deborah
I have loved coaching, mentoring and training women in healthcare for over 20 years. Prior to becoming a coach, I was a healthcare entrepreneur and business owner.
If you have any questions about your inventory survey results or would like to talk about getting support for your team/organization, contact me directly.

P.S. Don’t forget to take the free survey and get your personalized advice.

“My mission is to help women healthcare leaders reach their highest potential.”
- Deborah Munhoz